The Ontario 2012 budget was released March 27, 2012. The general theme of the budget is getting efficiency out of the prior investments and government spending and cultivating the growth presumably inspired by previous stimulus budgets. This focus on efficiency carries through to existing programs and business-specific incentives, specifically with regards to research and development incentives and Apprenticeship Training Tax Credits (ATTC). Aside from these two areas, the budget was quiet with regards to specific tax credits and discretionary funding programs for businesses. The budget references the federal activity regarding the effectiveness of encouraging innovation and R&D in Canada, specifically the Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) tax credit program. The Ontario budget indicates that Ontario agrees there are inefficiencies when it comes to the effectiveness of R&D tax credits and cites better efficiency required for provincial-federal collaboration with respect to R&D incentives. Ontario is not proposing any changes at this time to the provincial R&D tax credits (Ontario Innovation Tax Credit, Ontario Research and Development Tax Credit or Ontario Business Research Institute). Certainly there is recognition that any changes introduced by the federal government to the SR&ED program will directly impact businesses Ontario. And Ontario will need to adjust and respond accordingly. To read the full article, please click here. Further insights on the broader Ontario budget can be found at
Ontario 2012 Budget – Perspectives on Business Incentives
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