

Welch’s full range of services supports government sector leaders so they can support their communities. Welch’s public sector accounting team has conducted more than 2,000 audits for government agencies and departments.

Welch’s familiarity with the legislative environment of the public sector accounting standards, as well as our work with diverse government departments and agencies, has provided us with an in-depth understanding of major public sector legislation and publications, including The Financial Administration Act, Receiver General Directives/Bulletins, updates to the Public Accounts Manuals, the Appropriation Act and Treasury Board Guidelines for audits and reporting.

What We Do

Compliance Audit

  • Recipient audits
  • Contributions audits
  • Contract compliance for complex infrastructure
  • Value-for-money audits

Internal Audit

  • Program performance audits
  • Control framework audits
  • Value for money audits

Contract Cost Audit

  • Contract compliance

Lease Audit

  • Lease compliance

Forensic Audit

  • Special investigations
  • Forensic investigations
  • Fraud risk assessments

Financial Statement Audit

  • Audits, review engagements, compilations
  • Financial statement audits for government-controlled entities
  • PSAB, PSAS and PSAS + 4200 expertise
  • Component audits for large public sector entities
  • Expert financial support
  • Expert witness support
  • Arbitration/ mediation support
  • Business interruption claims
  • Loss/damages quantification
  • PASS supply arrangement (streams 1, 5, 8)
  • Temporary help services (THS)
  • Professional services (PS) online
  • Internal control policy reviews
  • Financial policy reviews
  • Risk-based internal audit plans
  • Governance reviews
  • Financial oversight frameworks
  • Financial controls
  • CFO certifications
  • Due diligence reviews
  • Fund Administration

Team Members




613-236-9191 #142

Chris Meyers




613-236-9191 #534




(647) 288-9200 ext 412


Senior Manager


613-236-9191 #242


Ottawa, Renfrew

613-236-9191 #196


Government Services Advisor


613-236-9191 #194

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