Government of Canada announces new supports for medium and large-sized businesses
The Government of Canada today announced new supports for medium and large-sized businesses, some of which is an expansion of existing programming. This will represent a major injection of liquidity into the economy, continuing to build and support a bridge for firms to stay alive while we await a move to a stimulus phase of the COVID-19 recovery.
The following summarizes the announcements, some of which will be critical for the Welch client base.
Expansion of the Business Credit Availability Program (BCAP)
The current iteration of the BCAP includes two key programs that are delivered through EDC and BDC.
This includes the Loan Guarantee for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (EDC) which permits EDC to guarantee up to 80% of operating credit and cash flow term loans of up to $6.25 million delivered through borrower financial institutions. The natural market for these loans is the SME sector.
This also includes a Co-Lending Program for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (BDC) whereby BDC co-lends 80% of loans with the remaining 20% being provided by the borrower’s financial institution, with loans of up to $6.25 million.
Announcements today appear to increase the size of the loan-guarantee to $80 million and the loan size to $60 million.
Entry points for these programs continue to be the primary financial institution or credit union of anyone contemplating seeking access.
Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF)
In previous communications, we identified that frameworks had been put in place to provide financing arrangements to large employers, especially those in severely impacted sectors.
The Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF) will now begin to leverage these frameworks, which includes utilization of the Canada Development Investment Corporation (CDEV). CDEV historically will involve itself in struggling assets deemed to be of strategic importance to the Canadian economy.
The LEEFF program will be open to large for-profit businesses – with the exception of those in the financial sector – as well as certain not-for-profit businesses, such as airports, with annual revenues of $300 million or higher. To qualify for LEEFF support, eligible businesses must be seeking financing of about $60 million or more, have significant operations or workforce in Canada, and not be involved in active insolvency proceedings.
Lending will largely be on economic terms, and be guided by several key principles including a commitment to preserving employment, limitations on executive compensation and commitments to environmental disclosures.
These announcements will facilitate the access of mid-market and large employers to the significant pools of capital that are now available, either through loans or guarantees provided by the federal government. This is in conjunction with existing programs designed to provide subsidies (CEWS, CECRA) or liquidity (i.e. CEBA, Tax Deferrals).
Specifically, with respect to the BCAP, our concern has always been the speed at which businesses can access these facilities. The intent is for business to avoid insolvency and potential bankruptcy – accordingly, time and ease of application is of the essence.
Through Welch Capital Partners, we can provide direct assistance to you when seeking to access these existing and new facilities. Please be in touch with your Welch representative for more details.