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Blog - Wealth Advisory

Building Wealth Across the Decades: Key Financial Priorities for Your Sixties and Beyond

 – As you enter your sixties and beyond, it is essential to stay the course on the financial planning strategies you put in place in earlier years. At this stage, your main attention should shift toward retirement spending and cash flow management.

Blog - Wealth Advisory

Building Wealth Across the Decades: Key Financial Priorities for Your Fifties

 – Over the course of your fifties, continue to build on the financial planning activities you started in your earlier years. As retirement approaches, it is crucial to ensure you have enough savings to maintain your desired lifestyle. This includes…

Blog - Wealth Advisory

Building Wealth Across the Decades: Financial Planning Priorities for Your Forties

 – As you enter your 40s, your financial situation often becomes more complex. It’s likely that you have children who are nearing college age, your earning potential has increased, and with it, there are several financial obligations to consider, such as:

Blog - Budget

Building Wealth Across the Decades: Financial Planning Priorities for Your Thirties

 – A big question I hear from people in their thirties is: “should I invest in my Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) or should I pay down my mortgage?” This is what I would do in my thirties:

Blog - Wealth Advisory

Building Wealth Across the Decades: Key Financial Priorities for Your Twenties

 – Let’s start by addressing the foundational elements of finances that you’re building in your twenties. Here are the top three priorities:

Blog - Tax Group

New Residential Property Anti-Flipping Tax Rules

 – In an effort to turn down the heat on the housing market and make homes more affordable, the Federal government has approved new legislation to implement residential “anti-flipping” tax rules. The new “anti-flipping” tax rules will apply to residential properties sold on or after January 1, 2023.

Blog - Finance

Ottawa Transactions 2022

 – 2022 Ottawa saw a flurry of Mergers & Acquisitions and financing transactions, in private equity firms & corporations.

Interest rates

Blog - Investing

A Look into Today’s Interest Rates

 – Any discussion on interest rates must start with “inflation”. The definition of inflation is “too much money chasing too few goods”. Both sides of this equation have been in play over the last couple of years.

Blog - Investing

When Does the Bear End?

 – The big question in equity markets these days is, when will this bear market end? As we have pointed out previously, when the market turns it often includes a very fast run up.

Blog - Wealth Advisory

How the RESP Helps with the Costs of Education

 – It’s that time of year again – the kids are going back to school. If your kids are old enough, a return to class could be an emotional experience, but also a significant financial burden. The costs of post-secondary education are high and rising at a rate that consistently out-paces inflation. 

Blog - Business Advice

Ontario Regional Opportunities Investment Tax Credit

 – The Regional Opportunities Investment Tax Credit (ROITC) was created to help support business investment, economic growth and job creation in regions in Ontario that lagged in employment growth between 2009 and 2019.

Blog - Selling Your Business

Selling a Small Business Part 3 – What is the M&A Process?

 – So you’ve made the difficult decision to sell your business. Now comes the fun part – putting up the “For Sale” sign. There are many steps in the merger & acquisition process, and more considerations to make in each step.

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