Marlee Stein, Marketing Coordinator at Welch LLP, has always had a passion for figure skating. Marlee was first introduced to skating at a very young age in Deep River, her hometown located in Renfrew County. Being in a small town with a population of just over 4000, there were not many options for sports, or for the opportunity to excel within competitive skating.
Having seen her potential during her early high school years, Marlee’s coaches encouraged her to join the Petawawa Skating Club where she continued to grow and improve in both singles and synchronized skating. Marlee spent a lot of time traveling to Petawawa a minimum of 5 days a week, juggling skating, school and even a part-time job. She credits the support from the Petawawa Skating Club, coaches, skating parents, and her family that made it possible. As a result of her training, Marlee began competing in both singles skating and synchronized skating all around Canada, where she then attended Nationals in Calgary with Petawawa’s Synchronized skating team “Platinum Edge” in 2013.
In her final year of high school, Marlee made the tough decision to withdraw from figure skating in order to focus on school. After graduating, Marlee pursued post-secondary education at Algonquin College for Advertising and Marketing Communications Management. Within the first few weeks of her program, Marlee knew she had chosen the right profession, and was ready to take on the marketing industry.
“I realized I had a strong interest in marketing and advertising. It was a field that intrigued me; something that I could see myself in, without a doubt. I had my career path underway, but I missed skating. The school didn’t offer it and being in a new city, it wasn’t realistic for me.”
In June of 2018, Marlee had landed an interview at Welch LLP for the role of Marketing Coordinator. “I was excited, and quite nervous. I wanted this so badly. I researched Welch as much as possible to learn about everything they offered. It wasn’t just the job I wanted, but the workplace and culture that came with it. I knew I loved marketing, but the workplace is just as important to me. I looked at all of their social media platforms, reviews and their website, and the way they portray themselves is absolutely accurate. You’re more than just an employee. The friendships I’ve created and the mentors I have, have helped me grow so much. Welch doesn’t want you to just see this as a workplace, because it’s not. It’s a family, a classroom and it’s full of inspiring, supportive people.”
When Marlee had started employment, Welch was rolling out a workplace flexibility program, allowing the staff more flexibility within their job when they need it, with respect to work hours and work location.
With the workplace flexibility program in place, Marlee has been able to start skating again. “My skating hours vary, and it’s very busy, but with Welch it’s much easier to balance. My practices can be anywhere from 6am to 4pm during the weekdays, and Welch views my personal commitments as equally important as work. It’s crucial to have an outlet like this and Welch knows and pushes for that.”
Marlee is headed to regionals on March 29thwhere she will be skating competitively again. “I have a lot of people to thank for helping me get where I am today. Welch has helped me achieve that perfect balance of where I am now and has made it easy. I think that’s something they’ve really perfected- supporting work & life balance and I am very much grateful of that.”